Wednesday 23 February 2011

Eco Makeup!

Your skin is a living tissue. It can absorb chemicals and products that are applied to it and can sometimes transfer these chemicals to your bloodstream. There has been new concern over the chemicals used in cosmetics. Several of the common chemicals used in many of the cosmetics today are known to be cancer causing. Because many of these chemicals are synthetic there is reason for concern. That is where organic makeup comes in. As more people are becoming aware and conscious of the health hazards of being exposed to certain chemicals.
Organic makeup is a safer, healthier way to still look beautiful. The products are made up of natural ingredients that are either completely free or have very minimal amounts of chemicals in them. Organic makeup can be made from plants only or from plant materials. It can also be made from natural compounds and minerals. By using the word organic, it means that it has not been exposed to pesticides. Pesticides have been known to be cancer causing. You have to be careful about what you buy. Just because it says organic doesn’t really mean that it doesn’t contain pesticides. It has to be “certified organic” to be able truly say it is pesticide free.
Many people would like to believe that if something is labeled organic then it is organic. But that is not the case. There is no governing body on how a manufacturer can use the term “organic.”  To help consumers understand what they are buying there is a term called “certified organic.” Organic makeup that is certified means that it has met a strict standard in its development and manufacturing. These standards regulate everything from the beginning from how the seed is grown and harvested, to how it is stored, transported and processed into organic makeup.
Using organic makeup can help eliminate many of the allergic reactions you are experiencing. Many people experience an allergic reaction to a certain brand of makeup. Their natural reaction is to stop using that brand and switch to another. What they do not realize is the chemicals used in both brands could be exactly the same. By using organic makeup, you are assured that you are not being exposed to pesticides and that the ingredients are naturals. If you really want to start living a healthy lifestyle, you might want to look at what kind of makeup you are using. Changing to organic makeup can make you healthier and is beneficial to the environment as well.

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